online and pre-show commissions

okay, after an amazing two weeks in the UK, it’s back to the grind… and that includes CONVENTIONS (DRAGONCON in a few weeks and then BALTIMORE COMIC CON and RHODE ISLAND COMIC CON in november)

i’ve had a few emails about lining up pre-show commissions, so i figured a quick post would be easier… and if you’re NOT going to any show and want some art, it’s the same deal (just add $10 shipping)…

my current rates for 2018 are…

$40 b/w per head sketch ($50 grayscale) – (sketch on blank covers available for $10 – email me for a list)

$100 full figure b/w 9×12

$125 full figure color canson paper or grayscale marker 9×12*

$150 full figure watercolor or color marker* 9×12”

$250 11×17 b/w single figure full pinup or full figure color canson paper* (digital color extra)

$400 11×17” full commission (digital colors extra)

*traveling with pencils/markers/paper gets cumbersome, so i try and work on these at home and can’t guarantee them at cons….